Sam Will Kill Him
TBS is doing some weird promos for the LotR movies. (h/t Jason Kottke)
TBS is doing some weird promos for the LotR movies. (h/t Jason Kottke)
If a Japanese man comes to Compton, what phrases would he most need to know? Well, this book on conversational ebonics helpfully translates such things as "You startin' to sound like a biotch", and "I guess I didn't come correct when I was throwing game."
(h/t MemePool)
What's the Easter Bunny doing for the rest of the year? Kicking ass. (hat-tip: IMAO)
Of all the idiotic things to catch flak for, Tom Cruise gets it for wanting to eat a placenta. In case he needs them, here are some fine placenta recipes.
… on hats? Ummm, ok.