Sheer genius. (hat-tip: InstaPundit)
Sheer genius. (hat-tip: InstaPundit)
Harvey Nicks used W&G in an ad for their store opening in Bristol. Here's the behind-the-scenes video of the photoshoot (hat-tip: Deep Glamour).
Wife Swap featured Alicia Guastaferro as a spoiled 15-year-old beauty pageant model.
Fifteen-year-old Victoria's life's goal is to "drop out of school to be on Girls Gone Wild, and to have my baby", as she explained on Maury.
Li'l J is so gangsta she has a MySpace page.
Thank God for little girls, because they can explain Star Wars.
Errr, landlady, but really, who cares when Will Ferrell stars? (There's an outtakes clip too.)
Triumph of the Ill (hat-tip: MeFi).
No, not the disgusting video itself, but two loving tributes: 2girls1McRib which uses a sandwich to blur out the disgusting parts (somewhat), and John Mayer's 2guys1cup (yes, that John Mayer). (hat-tips: amandalynferri and Justin)
Make a deep gash, dripping with blood, using bubblegum.
Walking, a video made by photographing a drawing on the wall, and erasing and redrawing for each subsequent frame.
Hello, and to Speak Institute the welcome.
Watch how a lighter lights up in slo-mo.
This is what happens when you take suggestions from drunk people in New York: instead of finding the original video, you wind up with the jailbait version.
… as covered by Alanis Morissette (hat-tip: Evie).
Watch how glass marbles are made. (hat-tip: MeFi)
… and why Rob Paravonian hates it. This is hilarious. Or if you know anything about modal music, it's blindingly obvious. As Rob puts it:
You know I'm getting really bored /
'cause all songs have the same damn chords. /
Punk music is a joke. /
It's really just baroque
(hat-tip: MemePool)
Well, woodblock, really, but who's counting when Gene Frenkle plays with Queens of the Stone Age?
The Ad Council has ads urging you to pay attention to elections. Awesome ads for candidates Bag of Leaves, Frozen Peas, Yappy Dog, and others.
(hat-tip: AdRants)
An 8-bit re-enactment of America's favorite satanic pastime.
What's the Easter Bunny doing for the rest of the year? Kicking ass. (hat-tip: IMAO)
TBS is doing some weird promos for the LotR movies. (h/t Jason Kottke)
Dana Lyons' famous hit, animated in flash.
... lip-synch to the Backstreet Boys. They've done more videos too.
My favorite part is the oblivious guy in the background playing Counterstrike.
Play too much Civ4? Seek help. You're not alone! Listen to our fearless leader pontificate on ancient civilizations with mucho espalda.
(He has more to say on other topics as well.)
Watch The Old Negro Space Program, a film not by Ken Burns.
(Caution: some profanity about half-way into the video)
French scientists Basile Audoly and Sébastien Neukirch explain why, when you try to snap it, spaghetti breaks into multiple fragments. They have movies shot with high-speed cameras, and everything. Take that, Feynman!
(hat/tip: The Economist)
An unabashedly big ad for beer. Carlton Draught, to be specific.
Their bottles have pictures of horses on them, which confirms my suspicions about beer (their explanation notwithstanding)
(20051002 Update: There's another ad, about their brewing process.)
Really cool art work with sand and an overhead projector (9 minute video).
Michael Moore's take on War for Oil in Mordor. (Hat-tip Frank J.)
And while we're at it, here's Chomsky's take on it as well.